1K Resistor Color Code | Resistor Color Bands

A 1k resistor color code can be identified by looking for the color that corresponds to the number of ohms. Learn how resistors function and how to color code a 1k ohm resistor in three steps.

Count from 0 to 9 out loud. How many digits did you say were unique? There are ten digits in all. We can encode numbers of any size using sequences of colors if we agree on a distinct color for each of the ten digits, which takes us to the resistor color code.

A resistor lowers (or resists) current flow. The resistance value is given as a number of ohms (the symbol for “Ω” is used). The number of ohms is color-coded and shown on the gadget as a band.

Because we only encode the first significant figure, the second significant figure, and the number of zeros, we utilize three color bands to represent the value.

It is not that different with 10k resistor color code.

Even we have a strong tool such as ohmmeter or multimeter, learning a resistor color code can help us greatly.

While ohmmeter or multimeter can show us the resistance value immediately, it will not help us calculating resistance of a single resistor that has been connected in a circuit.

1K Resistor Color Code

In this lesson, we’ll calculate it for a 1k resistor, where “k” stands for the prefix “kilo,” which means 1,000. The value of a 1k resistor is 1,000 ohms, and the number we’ll code is 1,000.

One of the most used resistors in electronics is the four band 1K resistor. Its popularity makes it an excellent tool for learning the resistor color code and recognizing them in projects.

We can immediately determine the resistance value and tolerance of a 1k resistor using the 1k resistor color code.

Below is a resistor with 1kΩ resistance:

1k resistor color code

Thus the final resistance value is:

1k resistor color code

Final value : 1000 ± 5% Ω.

Read also : types of resistors

How to Interpret the 1K Resistor Color Code

Color codes for resistors always start with numbers, then a multiplier, and finally a tolerance value.

Each band in a four-band resistor serves a distinct purpose:

Band One – 1st Digit: This is the resistance value’s first digit. The value 1 corresponds to the first band, which is brown.

Band Two – 2nd Digit: The resistance value’s second digit. The color black corresponds to the value 0 in this band. To the right of the first digit, this is appended.

As a result, the digits in bands one and two are: 10.

Band Three – Multiplier: Multiplies the digits by a value specified by this band. The real multiplier is 10n, where n is the band color value. The third band is red in this case, and it corresponds to the number 2. As a result, 102 = 100 is the multiplier.

As a result, the total resistance provided by the colors is 10 x 102 = 1000Ω = 1kΩ.

Band Four – Tolerance: Indicates the value of the resistor’s tolerance. The most typical gold and silver amounts are 5% and 10%, respectively. A gold ring is used in this example, giving us a tolerance of 5%.

As a result, the total resistance is 1kΩ ± 5% Ω.

This means the resistance value might be somewhere between 950 and 1050. The real resistance can be measured using a multimeter, however it will fluctuate slightly with temperature.

Other options 1K Resistor Color Code

Read the value of the resistor with a multimeter. This is the most straightforward technique. However, when a resistor is present on the board, the DMM (digital multimeter) does not read the right numbers; in this case, color code is useful.

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